Here are the notes from our latest Tea Party and staff meetings. Incidentally, if you would like to become involved with our secretarial pool, please talk to Barry at our next meeting.
January 14, 2025
Attendees: Barry Foster, Sandra Foster, Ginger Harris, Gene Marczyk, John Larsen, and 35+ concerned citizens.
Guest Speaker: Laurie Cordoza-Moore, founder of Proclaiming Justice to the Nations (PJTN), producer of movies, and
The meeting started at 6:00 p.m.
Barry made the following announcements:
• Don Elwell is holding a town hall meeting this Thursday, January 16 at the SFSC University auditorium at 5:30p.m. Pizza and soft drinks will be available.
• An “Inauguration Watch” party is scheduled at the Island View restaurant on January 20, 2025, from 11 a.m. to 1p.m. This is a time to celebrate!
• President Trump will be turning more programs and departments back to the individual states under the 10th Amendment.
• Scott Powell is our guest speaker next week. He is a writer and contributor for Newsmax.
Gene led the invocation, and Barry led the Pledge of Allegiance.
John would like old pictures of Tea Party events to start a scrapbook of the Tea Party. He would also like us to bring our concerns about what happens after Inauguration Day. John introduced our guest speaker, Laurie Cordoza-Moore.
Laurie thanked us for being there and said she has a lot of free brochures on the table. She also has DVDs for sale and books to look at. She brought the list of books which are not suitable for school libraries. These books have no redeeming value for our children.
She spoke about her foundation, “Proclaiming Justice for the Nation.” When the progressives go after the Jew, going after the Christian is not far behind.
Trump is going to drain the swamp from the top down, but we as citizens need to drain the swamp from the bottom up.
Pete Hegseth said today that if we teach our children to hate America, do you really think these children will grow up to defend America? She is asking Trump to do a Civics review on history that is taught in the current school curriculum.
Florida has a series of books that are recommended for use by educators, but teachers can still use other books. It is important that our generation keeps reviewing these books because we know our history. Educators in Florida are teaching phonics and not the whole word method of reading. The whole word method does not teach the meaning or inference of the word. This dumbs down our children.
We have four years! We cannot sit back now. If we are going to keep our republic, we are going to have to fight for it and our children must fight as well. Hold the school boards and city councils accountable for upholding the American way of life. Pastors do not want to talk about our founding fathers and the covenant they followed to create America.
Laurie then gave us an update on Israel.
• The Houthi’s in Yemen shot another missile into Israel that was intercepted.
• Things are in the works for the hostages to be released.
• Trump will be continuing the Abraham Accords agreement.
• There is a rise in antisemitism worldwide.
She is working on another documentary called “The Lost Youths of the Inquisition.” She wants to educate Christians as to why we are supporting Israel.
A question-and-answer session followed.
Barry gave the closing remarks:
• The “Kamalat” books are here. He passed them out.
• Medal of Honor Visitor’s Center is now open. This features Medal-of-Honor recipients from Florida.
• The school board accepted the renaming of the Sebring high school library in honor of WWII hero Major Thomas B. McGuire, Jr. The next school board meeting will be the official vote and how to proceed to get it done.
• Brenda Longshore may not run again for school superintendent.
• Volunteers are always needed.
Door prizes were given out.
The meeting ended at 7:06 p.m.
———————————————————————————————————————SEBRING TEA PARTY MEETING
January 7, 2025
Attendees: Barry Foster, Ginger Harris, Gene Marczyk, and 35+ concerned citizens.
Guest Speaker: C. S. Bennet, War Veteran, Author, Radio Host, Speaker, Columnist, and National Spokesperson for the We Can Be Heroes foundation.
The meeting started at 6:00 p.m.
Barry made the following announcements:
- There will be a Celebration of Life ceremony for Bob Lundy, on Saturday January 11, from noon until 4 p.m.
- An “Inauguration Watch” party is scheduled at the Island View restaurant on January 20, 2025, from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. There is no charge, but you are encouraged to eat lunch at the restaurant.
- The clock is missing and someone said they will bring one in to replace it. We will hang it if they bring it.
- Ginger received the books about Kamala from Loren Spivack. She will bring them to the next meeting.
- Bary is missing two thumb drives.
- The Tea Party needs volunteers for gun shows, outreach, and to fill in for our regular volunteers when they are unable to be here.
- We would like suggestions for fundraisers we can do legally.
- Sandra is attending the school board meeting. They will vote on renaming the high school library to the “Major Thomas B. McGuire, Jr. Memorial Library. He is a medal-of-honor recipient. You can see his certificate on display at the Medal of Honor Visitor’s Center.
Gene led the invocation, and Barry led the Pledge of Allegiance.
John introduced our guest speaker, C.S. Bennett.
Mr. Bennet said it is a new time and start for our country. Biden is doing everything to “throw tacks in front of the car” to stop Trump. We have a judge that wants to label Trump a felon, despite the fact the Supreme Court says you cannot do that. It is part of the Supremacy Clause. How can Republicans not only hold on to power but also expand it.
As soon as Trump takes over and turns the economy around, they need to go all out on the talk and news shows to let the American people know that since Trump has been in office food prices are going down, and not only that, the wokeism is disappearing, and we got rid of the Biden crime syndicate. Revenge is sweet but the success of America will be Trump’s revenge. He needs to remind the people that voted for him, including democrats and independents, that he is doing what they wanted him to do. Everyone seems to be getting in line with Trump. Mark Zuckerberg said that he did not want to censor things the way he did, but the Biden administration forced him do it. He and several other Democrats have donated one million dollars to Trump’s Inauguration Fund. Mr. Bennett feels that we will keep those Democrats and Independents on our side because they will not want to go back to how things were done under the Biden administration.
Some of the things we need to do are the following:
- We need to audit the Federal Reserve bank. It has never been done. There is nothing Federal or American about this organization.
- Let’s remove ourselves from the UN. This is nothing but a group of malcontents. They hate the United States, but they love our finances. We cannot allow this group to run our lives and dictate to us about our affairs.
- Go after the authors of the WOKE agenda. We need to get rid of their agenda in our schools, businesses, Silicon Valley, the media, the military and Hollywood. This is a mental disorder. Thankfully, we are about to shut down this agenda.
- The word is out. If you are here illegally, you better go before we put you out. People are waking up and seeing the lies the left is telling them.
- We need to get rid of the vast intelligence apparatus, whose leaders have gone WOKE and in some cases, rogue. These agencies need to be held accountable for themselves and their deeds.
- Take George Soros down. He holds a dual citizenship – U.S. and Hungary. He has no allegiance to this country or his faith. He should be booted out of America instead of being given the citizen’s award – the Medal of Freedom.
- We need to break up our ever-bloated government bureaucracy and in some cases abolish them, like the highly intrusive EPA. They forced us to get rid of the incandescent light bulb. The IRS can take your home and business from you. The Department of Education is a propaganda machine – they are turning out little Marxists year after year.
- We must come to terms with AI. This technology could become more dangerous than ISIS and Al Qaida combined. Anytime someone can use a machine that can create an image that looks like you, sounds like you, and says things that would make your mother blush is dangerous. They can ruin your career, reputation, and your life. This technology is unchecked at this moment. For example, a man was going to the airport to catch a plane and his self-driving car ended up going around in circles and the driver had no control over it. He could not get out of the car. The car locked him in. He missed his flight.
- We must eliminate or restrain the Patriot Act to maintain our privacy, liberties, and the spirit of due process. Our U.S. Constitution must reign supreme.
- We must go after the street gangs, narco terrorists, the mob, and the 1% Bikers. These bikers are like the Outlaws – stone, hard-core killers.
- We need to create a climate where we can feel free and safe.
- We need to ensure Americans of faith can meet and kneel for their faith without ridicule.
- We need to repeal the 17th Amendment. The Senators are supposed to represent the state, and the Representatives represent the people. They used to be assigned by the Governor of each state. They all now represent themselves.
If we can do these 13 things, we can get our country back.
Mr. Bennett then talked about his latest books, and he has two romance novels that have been picked up by Hollywood to be made into movies. He stated the Republican Party was established to abolish slavery, but most Americans do not realize this. Mr. Bennett was involved in Desert Storm, the TWA hijacking, and the hostage rescue in Iran.
There was a short question-and-answer session with the audience.
Barry gave his thoughts on AI and thinks it will dumb down our children and reminded us about some upcoming patriotic days – Memorial Day, Flag Day, and Independence Day.
Door prizes were given out..
The meeting ended at 7:07 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Ginger Harris
Interesting Websites to visit: – information on the We Can Be Heroes foundation. – Facebook page for C.S. Bennett
November 12, 2024
Attendees: Barry Foster, Sandra Foster, John Larsen, Ginger Harris, Gene Marczyk, and 40+ concerned citizens.
Guest Speaker: Jeffrey Sanow, Retired CIA Officer and free-lance speaker.
The meeting started at 6:00 p.m.
Barry made the following comments and announcements:
• He thanked the members for going to the Tea Party and Facebook websites and reminded everyone to open their emails from the Tea Party.
• We had fifty people at the Election Watch Party at Caddyshack last Tuesday.
• Election results: We won, Trump is our next President. We have the House and Senate.
• The abortion and marijuana amendments for Florida did not pass by a very narrow margin.
• Please sign the petition to rename the Sebring High School library to the Major Thomas B. McGuire building. He is a local graduate, an air combat ace and medal-of-honor recipient from WWII.
• A FEMA supervisor, Marni Washington, from Lake Placid, Florida instructed her employees to by-pass anyone that had a Trump sign in their yard. They were going into neighborhoods to render assistance to anyone who needed assistance except for Trump supporters.
• If you plan to purchase a wreath for the Wreaths Across America campaign, the cutoff date is December 4th, and the ceremony will be held on December 14 at noon to lay the wreaths.
• We are looking for someone to do Constant Contact as Barbara cannot do it any longer.
• He thanked all the volunteers who help set up and take-down for our meetings.
• The Flywheelers are having lawn mower races this weekend.
• Marco Rubio will be Secretary of State.
Barry then introduced Kayleigh Bush who won the 2025 Miss North Florida pageant. Keyleigh is also the president of the
Young Americans for Freedom organization at Sebring High School. She told us about a reception that will be coming up for a special guest speaker, Yeomi Park, who escaped from North Korea. She will be speaking on what life is like in a communist country. There is a reception scheduled for her and if you would like to go, there is a $25 donation to attend.
Gene led the invocation, and Barry led the Pledge of Allegiance.
John thanked everyone who attended the Flag Waves and volunteered in some way before the election. He introduced our guest speaker, Jeffrey Sanow.
Jeffrey Sanow is a retired CIA agent. He said the people who have the most fun in the CIA are the junior officers. They make decisions on 80% of the information received. They must determine whether the information they receive is good or bad. The agents train with the FBI in surveillance techniques. The FBI surveils and the CIA watches them. He stated that spying may be one of the oldest professions known to man. He told the story about Joshua sending the spies into Jericho. The spies he sent stayed with a woman of ill-repute, which is also one of the oldest professions known to man.
Spies and prostitutes have worked together even in ancient times.
He stated some of Donald Trump’s intentions for our country. Among the stated policies are:
• Making tax cuts permanent. No tax on tips or Social Security.
• Get Americans back to where we were four years ago. Ninety-four percent of American voters said the most important issue was the economy.
• Strengthen and protect Medicare and Social Security.
• Reduce the price of gas.
Mr. Sanow then listed some of the things that President Trump wants to do that is not as well known:
• President Trump wants to support and champion innovation and crypto currency. Elon Musk is part of that team.
• He wants to repeal the Executive Order that hinders Artificial Intelligence technology. Mr. Sanow stated that real rewards come with real risks.
• President Trump will do away with DEI (Diverse, Equity, Inclusion) the left introduced. He will hire people with real qualifications and not because they can check all the DEI boxes.
• President Trump wants to start robust manufacturing companies in near earth orbit.
• He also wants to go back to the moon.
The next item that concerned 82% of voters was immigration. Here are some of President Trump’s plans for immigration:
• There will be mass deportations. These will be done according to the constitution and the law.
• There will be a need for bigger or more places for mass detention. Each case will need to be considered and that will take time to do.
• President Trump plans to restore every plan he had in place to secure the border when he was the 45th President.
• He plans to stop the border invasion by employing thousands of soldiers at the border, to assist the Department of Homeland Security –Immigration and Naturalization services.
• President Trump says this will cost the taxpayers about $100 billion or more to fix the border problem, but the cost to house, clothe, and feed the illegal immigrants cost $150 billion under the Biden administration. So, we are saving $50 billion. The city of Springfield, OH experienced a 25% increase in population with the increase of illegal immigrants. With this increase in their city, came an increase in crime, traffic problems, and created a six-fold increase in the number of non-English speaking students in the school system.
• President Trump will invoke the Alien Enemies Act. The Alien and Sedition Act was used in World War I and World War II. This was used for the Japanese internment camps during World War II. The difference will be that he will be detaining people that entered the country illegally and not American citizens.
The next issue that concerned 76% of the voters was violent crime. Violent crime had declined 15% under Trump’s previous administration. Violent crime increased 40% under the Biden administration. Here is how President Trump plans to handle that issue:
• He will support law enforcement.
• He will implement justice reformation in all departments of justice, including the FBI.
President Trump promises to:
• Protect Social Security.
• Restore economic stability.
• Strengthen Medicare.
We must hold the Republicans accountable. They must support President Trump. Mr. Sanow urged us to call our Representatives and Senators in Congress and tell them to support what Donald Trump is doing. The representative in our area is Scott Franklin and his phone number is (853) 644-8215 [and his Washington, DC office number is (202)225-1252].
A question-and-answer session followed.
Barry thanked our guest and gave closing remarks:
• He thanked Bob for writing letters to the editor in the paper. A copy of his letter is on the back table.
• We need people to monitor the school board, city, and county council meetings.
• When you call Representatives and Senators or speak at one of the council meetings, write down what you want to say beforehand. You only have a limited amount of time to speak, and it helps to have something there in front of you.
• A reminder about the Wreaths Across America project. The wreaths are $17 each.
The door prizes were handed out.
No Meeting on November 5th. Instead there was an election watching party at the Caddyshack restaurant
October 29, 2024
Attendees: Barry Foster, Sandra Foster, John Larsen, Ginger Harris, Gene Marczyk, Barbara McGrath, and 40+ concerned
Guest Speaker: Denise Williams, County Veteran Services Officer
The meeting started at 6:00 p.m.
Barry made the following announcements:
• John Brennan was laid to rest in Sarasota today.
• A flag wave is scheduled for Monday at the Fairmont Plaza from 9-10 a.m. A Dutch-treat breakfast will follow.
• There are cards available to pass out to your friends inviting them to the Tea Party meetings.
• Americans For Prosperity (AFP) is having a National Day of Action at the AFP office at the Five Guys Burgers Plaza
on Saturday, November 2 at 9:00 a.m.
• Thank you to Eileen for taking care of the back table. The donations we receive pay for the use of the building.
• We have a new video camera, and the videos will be put on our website. We appreciate those that donate, and
this is one of the things your donations are used for.
• Bob Gilmore is in rehab, recovering from his automobile accident. Also, Linda is having health issues. We will
keep them in our prayers.
• There is no Tea Party meeting next week.
• In two weeks, we will have Jeff Sanow.
• Wreaths Across America program has begun. The cost of a wreath is $17, and the laying of the wreaths will be
held on December 14.
Gene led the invocation, and Barry led the Pledge of Allegiance.
John introduced our guest speaker, Denise Williams, County Veteran Services Officer.
Denise served in the Army. Among the places she was deployed to was Iran, Iraq, and Afghanistan. She started out by
asking trivia questions about the Veterans Administration (VA). She was sent to Germany, where she drove in snow for
the first time. She was driving an 18-wheeler. She got out of the service, then joined the National Guard in 1993. She was
sent to Iraq and Afghanistan. She never saw any females when she was stationed there. She said the houses over there
are made of dirt and plywood. We have it good in the United States and everybody wants what we have.
She then did an Honor Call, recognizing the veterans attending the meeting, for each branch of the service.
She said she knows and has heard a lot of stories about VA clinics and hospitals. The VA has come a long way. Donald
Trump was instrumental in improving the VA system. There was no clinic here in Sebring for a long time and everyone
had to go to Bay Pines in St. Petersburg for any services. Through the efforts of Donald Trump and SFC Heath Robinson,
the PACT Act of 2022 was passed and signed into law. This act did a whole lot for our veterans. Anyone who lives over 60
minutes from a VA hospital can go to a (closer) civilian clinic. The PACT Act covers more disabilities and diseases caused
by serving in the military, such as Agent Orange. They are seeing higher incidences of cancer in soldiers who were
deployed in the Gulf War and Afghanistan.
They investigate each individual case when a disability claim is made. Make sure you have all your military and any
medical records. There are a lot of things that fall under being disabled now. You start by making an appointment with
the VA office in Sebring. They can help you with any claims. That is what they are there for. There are a lot of benefits
that most veterans do not even know about. One of these little-known benefits helps a veteran’s widow. She can receive
a long-term care/assisted living benefit. There is transportation available for veterans for their appointments if they need
it. The new VA offices and clinic is expected to be completed by the Fall of 2025.
Denise announced that Gena was awarded the VA non-veteran volunteer of the Year for all the work she has done for
our veterans.
A question-and-answer session followed.
Barry thanked our guest and gave closing remarks:
• Keep Bob and Linda in our prayers.
• We are now on Linked In.
• We are in the process of starting a newsletter.
• Barry gave out the door prizes.
The meeting ended at 7:12 p.m.
October 22, 2024
Attendees: Barry Foster, Sandra Foster, John Larsen, Ginger Harris, Gene Marczyk, and 30+ concerned citizens.
Guest Speaker: Clare Lopez, a news contributor for several news organizations including, Newsmax, One America News, and Sky News.
The meeting started at 6:00 p.m. Barry thanked Tina for allowing us to watch the hearing for Chris Doty’s election lawsuit at the AFP office. If you voted, and there were no notices posted about Donald Ridgeway withdrawing from the race for Superintendent of Schools, please see Barry. There was not enough time to remove Don from the ballot and he received a lot of votes. There were supposed to be highly visible notices stating that Don was no longer a candidate and any vote for him would not count.
Barry made the following announcements:
· Thank you to Charlie for taking pictures at last Saturday’s Flag Wave.
· Elaine needs help on the back table.
· Check the Tea Party Facebook page and open your emails from the Tea Party for meeting and event information.
· We are doing a Flag Wave in support of Donald Trump at the Fairmont Plaza on Saturday, October 25, 2024. It will start at 9 a.m. followed by a Dutch treat breakfast at 10 a.m.
· There is information on the back table on the upcoming amendments and candidates.
· Next week’s guest speaker will be Denice Williams from the Veteran’s Affairs office.
· Gena announced more information on the upcoming Veterans’ Dinner on November 16, 2024. It will be held here (the Vietnam Veterans Hall)
Gene led the invocation, and Barry led the Pledge of Allegiance.
John made the following announcements:
· A long-standing member, John Drennan, passed away. Please sign a sympathy card for his family, which is going around the room.
· There is a land grab by Blackrock and similar organizations to buy up as much land as they can from the families in North Carolina that were decimated by Hurricane Helene. There are lithium deposits in the land and these companies are trying to get these deposits.
John introduced our guest speaker, Clare Lopez, a member of Tom Trento’s organization, United West.
Clare Lopez worked with Tom Trento and helped found the United West organization. She is stepping in for Tom tonight as he just came back from visiting Israel. She said we should invite him back again to talk to us. He will have interesting first-hand accounts about Israel. She then explained how the current conflict between Israel and Hezbollah came about.
The current conflict began on October 7, 2023, on Shabat, but it did not begin with Hamas. The people of Gaza also participated in the atrocity. Everything thing that was done on October 7 and 8, 2023 was legal according to Islam (Sharia) law. This goes back to hundreds of years of a doctrinal belief the Muslims have of Jihad. According to that belief they must promote Jihad – warfare against non-Islam people. They believe that every land the Jihadists ever occupied belongs to Islam. The Jewish people are under constant assault by Islam. Then, Clare gave a brief history about the region.
Turkey or Suni was occupied by Imanites also known as Shiites. Until WWI, the League of Nations took control of the land, and they gave it to the Allied Powers, which included the British. The plan was to return that land to the Jews in the 1920’s. The Saudi’s backed out of the plan because they wanted to keep Mecca. The Saudis kicked out the Hashemites who oversaw Mecca. The British gave 75% of the land to the Hashemites instead of the Jewish people. There never was a Jordon in the world until this time. The League of Nations became the United Nations after WWII. They decided to split the land again with the Partition Plan of 1947. The Jews took whatever land was left and called it Israel, where it was surrounded and immediately attacked. Where did the word “Palestine” originate? It comes from the Old Testament and the Jewish Torah, when Moses led the Jews out of Egypt and into the Promised Land. Among the tribes that occupied the Promised Land were the Philistines; remember David and Goliath? Fast forward to the time of the Roman Empire. The Romans called the area the “Land of the Judea” About 100 C.E., the Romans had enough of the problems with the Jews and went back and named the area Philistia. The Ottoman Empire was the last to occupy the land until they were kicked out in the late 600’s C.E.
Islamists believe if they do not practice Jihad, they will go to hell. The Suni’s make up the largest group of Muslims. Islam has the largest Shiite population. Hamas is Suni and trained by the Islamic Revolution Guards Corporation (IRGC) for the October 7th attack on the Jews. On October 8th, a number of Jews had to evacuate because of constant assaults. Israel is making sure the people are fed in Gaza, no matter what the press is saying. Hezbollah has dominated the war, but they have been targeted. Remember the cell phone that went off? The Israelis are doing targeted bombings.
Iran directly attacked Israel and launched 181 missiles on October 1, 2024. Most of these missiles were shot down. There was an attack on Netanyahu’s residence. The United States promised to support Israel, but they are back-pedaling on that promise. The Israeli’s discovered $550 million dollars in gold and currency, belonging to Hezbollah, stored beneath a hospital. The money belongs to the Lebanese people. The United State was caught spying on Israel and no one knows who leaked the document about an impending retaliation attack by Israel. Iran has allied with Russia and China.
A short question-and -answer session followed.
Barry thanked our guest speaker and gave closing remarks:
· A reminder about the candidates and amendments guides on the back table.
· There is a Thanks for Giving dinner for veterans – see Gena.
· The Wreaths Across America project is ongoing.
· There are sample ballots available.
· See Barry if there were any notices in the voting booths about Ridgeway’s withdrawal.
· Javita introduced a new member, Noel.
· The email opening has gone up to 35%.
· Next week, our guest speaker will be Denise Williams from Veteran Affairs.
Barry gave out the door prizes.
The meeting ended at 7:13 p.m.
October 15, 2024
Attendees: Barry Foster, Sandra Foster, John Larsen, Ginger Harris, and 30+ concerned citizens.
Guest Speaker: Lt. Colonel Darryl Jeffers, Civil Air Patrol and Pastor of Maranatha Baptist Church
The meeting started at 6:00 p.m.
Barry made the following announcements:
* There is a school board workshop/meeting on Thursday, October 17 at 3:30 p.m. There is a notice to close the pre-kindergarten center and the preschool to join the elementary schools. They will also discuss putting metal detectors in the high school.
* We will have a Flag Wave in support of Donald Trump at the Fairmont Plaza on Saturday, October 18,2024. It will start at 9 a.m. followed by a Dutch treat breakfast at 10 a.m.
* Disabled Veterans will have a golf tournament on Saturday, November 9, 2024, at Sun-N-Lakes.
* There is a car show scheduled at Fireman’s Field on November 11, 2024.
* Do not forget to vote on the amendments. Read them carefully because sometimes a no means yes and a yes means no. It can be tricky to figure out what the language is saying.
Barry led the invocation and the Pledge of Allegiance.
John made the following announcements:
* John put together a summary of all the amendments in the ballot and he will pass it out if you want one.
* We are participating in the Wreaths Across America project. Wreaths are $17. The laying of the wreaths will be December 14, 2024.
* The Republican National Committee of Sebring is holding a gun raffle to benefit Republican candidates. You can get tickets at the RNC office on Sparta Rd.
John introduced our guest speaker, Lt. Col. Darryl Jeffers of the Civil Air Patrol and Pastor of Maranatha Baptist Church.
Lt. Col. Jeffers gave a brief history of how the Civil Air Patrol started. In 1936, Gill Robb Wilson, a WWI aviator and New Jersey director of aeronautics returned from Germany and was convinced of impending war. He envisioned mobilizing America’s civilian aviators for national defense. Others had the same idea.
Milton Knight from Ohio was a pilot and businessman. He organized and incorporated the Civilian Air Reserve (CAR) in 1938. Other military-styled civilian aviation units emerged throughout the nation, training for homeland defense. Gill Wilson launched his perfected program: the Civil Air Defense Services (CADS) in 1941. Wilson’s CADS program was chosen as a model for organizing the nation’s civil aviation resources.
Then, Lt. Col. Jeffers provided his background information. He was born in Miami. His dad was a pilot in WWII. He grew up on military bases. When he graduated from high school, he went to Georgia Tech. He joined the ROTC. Then, God called him for a different purpose. He went to seminary school in Minnesota. He was a youth pastor in Minnesota and moved to several different state before he ended up in Sebring as the Pastor of Maranatha Church in Sebring.
He was asked to be a chaplain for the Civil Air Patrol (CAP) unit and drove to Punta Gorda for the meetings. CAP is an auxiliary unit of the Air Force. Sebring is a composite squadron consisting of members 12 years old to adults.
On December 7, 1941, Pearl Harbor was attacked. The CAP would look for German subs and eventually would bomb the subs. They sunk two subs and damaged several others off our coastline. In fact, Obama commemorated a coin recognizing 60 CAP members that lost their lives defending our country.
The Civil Air Patrol is a strong and growing organization. In 2015, CAP was recognized as part of the total military forces in the United States. CAP does search-and-rescues/recovery, helps local law enforcement, and gives emergency services. CAP has fifty-two wings, including Puerto Rico and Washington, DC. There are eight regions in the US, and we are part of the Southeast region. It is a good way to serve your country.
They provide a wonderful Cadet program, and these cadets are accepted into military academies. These cadets often are accepted into the astronaut program or join the Thunderbirds. These Cadets gain discipline and character through the courses that are offered by CAP.
They are the “Highlands County Composite Civil Air Patrol Training Center.” The group meets at the Sebring Regional Airport in the Experimental Aviation Association building.
A question-and answer session followed.
Barry made closing remarks reminding everyone about the school board meeting and the Flag Wave on Saturday. There is no AFP meeting this week. Clare Lopez will be sitting in for Tom Trento next week.
Barry handed out door prizes.
The meeting ended at 7:23 p.m.
October 10, 2024 Cancelled due to onset of Hurricane Milton
October 1, 2024
Attendees: Barry Foster, Sandra Foster, John Larsen, Ginger Harris, Gene Marczyk, Barbara McGrath, and 30+ concerned citizens.
Guest Speaker: Loren Spivak, Author and known as the Dr. Suess of Economics
The meeting started at 6:00 p.m.
Barry made the following announcements:
• Karen Healy will not be speaking next week. Something else came up.
• Charlie and Linda are back.
• Americans for Prosperity will be holding a phone bank on Thursday, October 3rd at 4 p.m. at the AFP office.
• We will have a flag wave every Saturday in October from 9-10 a.m. at the Fairmont Plaza.
• Wreaths Across America is starting up and the wreaths will be laid at the cemetery on December 14th. The cost is $17 per wreath.
• We will be buying a new video camera.
• A pro-life event will be held in Lake Placid. They will stand and pray to end abortion on October 6th at 2 p.m. See Glenda at the Tower parking lot.
Gene led the invocation, and Barry led the Pledge of Allegiance.
John announced:
• A school board meeting/workshop is being held on October 17th at 3:30 p.m. It is open to the public.
• A flag wave will be held this Saturday, October 5th at 9 a.m.
• People are buying paper supplies at Sam’s Club. The public is afraid of upcoming supply shortages.
John introduced our guest speaker, Loren Spivak.
Loren goes around the country speaking to conservative groups. He would speak to left leaning groups if they would invite him, but that isn’t likely to happen. He likes to point out common sense items regarding economics and government. He cast his first vote for Ronald Reagan forty years ago.
He asked, “Who are these people that want transgender bathroom and policies?” The first thing to understand about the modern left is they have no principles.” There is a difference between a belief and a principle. What makes something a principle is that it applies to everyone all the time. For example: the Ten Commandments.
Signs that you have no principles are that you flip flop on your beliefs. The University Left started in Berkley as a free speech movement. Today, the left wants segregation; back then they battled for integration. Here is another example that shows you they have no principles. Sweden is known as the feminist capital of the world; now it is becoming the rape capital of the world. They invited in all these aliens from all these other countries. 95% of the crimes committed were by foreign immigrants. This was determined by a study conducted and reported. The government now makes reports like that illegal. Woman was the Left’s old crush, Islam is their new crush.
Women sports is a modern idea. The Greeks originally made sports for all males. At one event, a woman disguised herself as a man. The following year they made the athletes compete naked. They could see the biological difference.
An alarming number of people are leaning toward Socialism. There are two things that describes Socialism:
1. Someone out there has a vision about your life.
2. They believe they are entitled to use force to enforce their vision upon you.
Bernie Sanders has a vision of what our lives should be like. He would have the force to enforce his vision if he were President. Hitler was head of the National Socialist Party. He believed he knew how to make people’s lives better. He had a vision and the power to enforce it.
It’s not a battle over principles, the left has no principles. It’s a battle of whether you want a country with principles or a country with no principles.
Freedom of speech has never been so endangered. It starts by getting rid of “hate” speech. Immigration was the biggest problem in Europe. If someone spoke out against immigration, they were arrested for it. Britain arrested a 78-year-old woman for wondering on Facebook if all these immigrants would lower English children IQ’s.
The judicial system is two-tiered. The left does not believe in an impartial justice system. In Germany, there was a great deal of violence between the Nazis and the Communists. Hitler freed the Nazis and executed the Communists. It is not about the crime you commit, but what team you are on.
There are only two economic systems. Capitalism is clear and simple. Capitalists are principled. Socialism has no rules. They change the rules to suit that moment and change them again to suit their need in the next minute. Capitalism has given us the greatest prosperity in the world.
He has authored several books. His first book called “The New Democrat” parodies the Obama white house. He then talked about the books he wrote.
A question-and answer session followed.
Barry made closing remarks regarding the school board meeting. The meeting is about installing metal detectors at the schools.
Barry handed out door prizes.
The meeting ended at 7:19 p.m.
September 24, 2024
Attendees: Barry Foster, Sandra Foster, John Larsen, Ginger Harris, Gene Marczyk, Barbara McGrath, and 40+ concerned citizens.
Guest Speaker: Jack Hilligoss, Pastor, and Mayor of Lake Wales
The meeting started at 6:00 p.m.
Barry made the following announcements:
• Javita has returned to the position as Outreach Coordinator.
• Need back-up volunteers to take meeting notes, set up and take down, and run the video.
• We may be doing gun shows in the future and would need volunteers to help.
• We would like to start a weekly Flag Wave every week in October. See John Larsen for details.
• Our meeting notes will be posted to our website.
• Stock up now for the coming hurricane. We will be getting some of the effects of the storm.
• Barry has a new podcast called “The Foster Files.”
• Keep Chris Doty in your prayers. He would like information on whether the announcement that Don Ridgeway’s votes would not be counted was posted at the polling places.
Gene led the invocation, and Barry led the Pledge of Allegiance.
Barry announced the Heartland Faith event at the Ministry Center on October 5th at 5:30 p.m.
John spoke about the Wreaths Across America program. It has begun and the wreaths are still $17 per wreath. December 14th is when the wreaths will be laid on our fallen soldiers’ graves.
John introduced our guest speaker: Jack Hilgoss, pastor of Highpoint Church and Mayor of Lake Wales.
He was called into pastoral service at age 19. He was called to become the Mayor of Lake Wales. He is hoping the mayor position is a limited engagement, but he will continue to be mayor as long as God wants him to. He quoted Psalms 33:12 “Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord, the people he chose for his inheritance.’ Blessed means happy.
God’s blessing enhances a nation’s wealth and quality of life. What promotes that quality of life? Good schools and protecting the citizens are some of the most important things the government can do for its citizens.
What is your philosphy of political order. The biblical view is nationalism. Acts 17:26 states, “From one man he made all the nations, that they should inhabit the whole earth; and he marked out their appointed times in history and the boundaries of their lands.” In Deuteronomy 2:4 God warned the people to respect the descendents of Esau and to not take their land. In Genesis 10 is the Table of Nations. Nations are the best form of political order.
Nowadays if a pastor says “God bless America” the woke left get upset and start to fan themselves. We need to encourage people to love their country. Nations are the best form of human government. It promotes prosperity. It is just common sense.
Globalism is part of the social contract theory. They think they know better than God. Adam and Eve believe the big lie that they would become gods. The worst atrocities occurred when someone decided they would create a utopia that would be good for all.
During COVID, all the nations gave up their sovreignty. He was an average pastor until COVID. He started questioning what was happening. He stated several things he believes:
1. Every nation has a locus of authority. The Christian source of authority is God. The law is fixed. There is supreme virtue, unity, and love of your country over other nations. The Bible says to love all but we should always love our country.
2. Limited Responsibility – There are three spheres – family, church, and state. The state should promote general welfare, provide national defense, and punish evildoers. They all have lanes they need to stay in and if one gets out of their lane, the others need to tell them to stay in their lane. So, when the state tells you how to educate your children, you need to tell them to get back in their lane. The church should step in when the schools are assigning homework on gay pride month.
3. Separation of Power – all our founding fathers would have been labeled Christian naturalists.
A question-and answer session followed.
Barry made closing remarks:
• He asked for volunteers to help run the video camera and take notes as a back-up for the people that are doing the job now.
• There is an AFP phone bank at Tina’s office, and they are promoting a candidate from Frostproof.
• There is a lawsuit in progress over election irregularities in Highlands County.
• On October 5th, there is a Heartland Faith event at the Ministry Center at 5:30 p.m.
Barry handed out door prizes.
September 17, 2024
Attendees: Barry Foster, Sandra Foster, John Larsen, Ginger Harris, and 30+ concerned citizens.
Guest Speaker: (Monier) Rahall
The meeting started at 6:00 p.m.
Barry made the following announcements:
• Tina Alc will have an Americans for Prosperity meeting at the AFP office by Five Guys Burgers on
Thursday, September 19 at 4 p.m. They will be concentrating on sending out postcards.
• Barry has signs available on Amendment 4.
• Need back-up volunteers to take meeting notes, set up and take down, and run the video.
• Next week Jack Hillgoss, Pastor and Mayor of Lake Wales will be the guest speaker.
Gene led the invocation, and Barry led the Pledge of Allegiance.
John said that we are working with Wreaths Across America again this year. The wreaths are $17,and he will get back to us on the date the wreaths will be placed on the graves. John then introduced our guest speaker,
Monier Rahall.
Mark pointed out his partner, Bob Mueller, and his son that was sittng in the audience. Mark said he is originally
from Alberta,Canada. He wanted to make it clear that not all Canadians are Socialists. He told us he loves racing and that is what brought him to Sebring. He named his son after Bruce McLaren. He owned and restored a 150-year-old historical building previously.
Mark Stewart approached him regarding the Kenilworth building. The crash of 2007 – 2008 closed the Kenilworth Lodge and brought renovations to a halt. Rahal fought to get the Kenilworth Lodge. He wanted to resurrect it to its former glory. Mark is a best-selling author and wrote the book “Gangsters and Prairie Boys” He did what authors do best and started doing research on the Kenilworth Lodge. He found out there were no plans for the place. It is on the National Historical Register. He collected old pictures and postcards featuring the Kenilworth Lodge.
He feels it sits on the best piece of land in town. George Sebring built the Kenilworth Lodge as a destination spot and Mark wants to make it a destination place now.
Because of the current inflation, it is now feasible to restore the building. They will do this at a slow and steady pace. The city is collaborating with him. He ran into some problems with the Fire Marshall. He quoted, “Fear the bureaucracy – Politicians come and go, but the bureaucracy is there forever.” At one point, they were shut down by the city. The partners sued and won. He has no problem with them now.
They had issues with Fire Chief Batts regarding fire safety i.e., the sprinkler system. Vandalism occurred when the hotel closed, and the sprinkler heads were broken o. They installed a new roof over the ballroom. The completion target date is set for 2025, but renovations could take longer. He does not want to be pinned down to an exact date yet.
George Sebring built a strong and steady structure. He is not changing the inside of the building. He is leaving it as George Sebring envisioned it. They will be giving tours to the public. The back part of the property was never developed. There was a deck that surrounded the building, and they are considering putting that in again. They are reviewing the old scissor elevator. There is a walkout basement. There will be more rooms as they are turning the old penthouse suites into separate rooms.
They are developing the back including the renovation of the Serpentine pool.
Mark took questions from the audience.
Barry reminded the members about making sure we have good email addresses for our members. We are only sending out email notifications about the meetings.
Barry gave out the door prizes. The meeting ended at 6:50 p.m.
Respectfully submitted, Ginger Harris
Interesting Websites to visit: – news article – news article – info about his book – Kenilworth progress updates
Highlands Tea Party Staff Meeting September 19, 2024
At our staff meeting it was agreed:
*More volunteers will be needed in an effort to run meetings smoothly and to increase the attendance and activities of the Tea Party
* We will begin announcing a flag wave each week in October to support Donald Trump for President. Location in front of Fairmont Plaza. Hours 9 til 10 A M. A dutch treat breakfast after for those interested. Day of the week TBD after announcing at the next Tea Party meeting. John/Barry
* Ginger announced that she will have to step away from her duties for awhile.
* Waiting form to fill out for Avon Park Christmas Parade.
* Form received from Sebring Chamber for the Christmas Parade
Early Bird special $30.00 til all 25 spots are taken Date 12/6/24 Hours 7 til 9 P M. John/Barry
* Dates for gun shows? If we sign up can we get volunteers? John
* Load Comm. meeting notes on the web site. Barry
* Contact Lauren Bush about coordinating a Biblical Citizenship program. John
* Promote Wreaths Across America program to members each week. Cost $17.00/ wreath.
Date for laying of the wreaths December 14th 2024. John/Gina
Next meeting Thursday October 24th 11:30 A M Bob Evans
Highlands Tea Party Meeting September 10, 2024
Attendees: Barry Foster, Sandra Foster, John Larsen, Ginger Harris, and 20+ concerned citizens. Guest Speaker: Cathi Chamberlain, Patriot and Author of Rules for Deplorables
The meeting started at 6:00 p.m.Barry made the following announcements:• Tina Altic will have an Americans for Prosperity meeting at the AFP offce by Five Guys Burgers on Thursday, September 12 at 4 p.m. They will be concentrating on sending out postcards.
• Please see Barry after the meeting if there was no announcement posted at your voting precinct about Don Ridgeway withdrawing.
• Tea Party meeting announcements are only sent out to your email address. If you do not have an email address, see Barry after the meeting to make other arrangements.
• Next Tuesday, September 17, Monier Rahall will be our guest speaker. He will give us an update on the Kenilworth Lodge.
• The mayor of Lake Wales, Pastor Jack Hilligoss will be our speaker on September 24.
Barry led the invocation and the Pledge of Allegiance.
John warned us about expected food shortages and said he has already noticed bare shelves in some of our stores.John introduced our guest speaker: Cathi Chamberlain.
Cathi said she wrote the book, Rules for Deplorables as a response to Sal Alinsky’s book Rules for Radicals. Herbook reached number 14 out of the top 25 books sold on Amazon. She considers herself more of an activist thanan author. She said ridicule was the most common tactic used by the left. It is listed in her book under “Sticks and Stones.”She is extremely concerned about what is happening in our country. She advised us to keep our pantries filled with at least a 6-month supply of food.
In her book, Chapter 12 – Build That Wall,she explains how Cloward-Piven a new strategy for upending our elections. In December 1982, a movement strategy was developed to transform the Democrat party. What we are seeing now is the result. Millions of illegal aliens have ooded our borders. The strategy is to flood the polls with million sof new voters. We are losing. The Motor-Voter law passed in 1993.
Cathi helped launch the Defend Florida organization to find out what kind of shape our voter rolls were in. You would be shocked by what is being found. There are four tenets they looked at.1. Voter rolls 2. Eligible voters 3. Number of votes must equal the number of voters 4. No more that 1 error in 125,000 In the 2022 general election the following was found:• 565,00 ineligible registration violations
• 117,000 cast by ineligible voters • 88,000 ballots were blank • 145,000 more votes counted than people that voted • 206,000 voting violations resulting in an excess of error rate. The errors should only be 62. Tactic 12 states: The price of a successful attack is a constructive alternative.Immediate issues with our voting process includes:
• Ballots being dropped o and processed without any oversight.
• Blank ballots and over votes. • VR shutdown at 7:00 p.m.
• No audits or budgets. There are 6 or 7 lawsuits being filed on voter fraud by United Sovereign Americans. Cathy is one of the plaintiffs.
You can take action by:
1. Research United Sovereign Americans.
2. Send in the resolution she passed out. Send those letters.
3. Become a poll watcher.
4. Support the injunctions.
5. Get churches involved.
6. Take the form pledge to the Superintendent of Elections. (Barry volunteered to do this for our county.)
We can’t allow a repeat of 2020. We have one chance to get it right. Prepare for the worst, pray for the best. Cathy closed by quoting Dietrich Bonhoffer, “Silence in the face of evil is in itself evil.” A short question-and-answer session followed.
Barry passed out the door prizes. The meeting ended at 7:24 p.m. Respectfully submitted,Ginger Harris
Interesting Websites to visit: – United Sovereign Americans – information about HB’s; protection of Floridians rights – Cathi’s Facebook group – a community group Cathi started to get the word out.