Meeting Notes

Here are the notes from our latest Tea Party and staff meetings. Incidentally, if you would like to become involved with our secretarial pool, please talk to Barry at our next meeting.


September 17, 2024

Attendees: Barry Foster, Sandra Foster, John Larsen, Ginger Harris, and 30+ concerned citizens.

Guest Speaker: (Monier) Rahall

The meeting started at 6:00 p.m.

Barry made the following announcements:

• Tina Alc will have an Americans for Prosperity meeting at the AFP office by Five Guys Burgers on

Thursday, September 19 at 4 p.m. They will be concentrating on sending out postcards.

• Barry has signs available on Amendment 4.

• Need back-up volunteers to take meeting notes, set up and take down, and run the video.

• Next week Jack Hillgoss, Pastor and Mayor of Lake Wales will be the guest speaker.

Gene led the invocation, and Barry led the Pledge of Allegiance.

John said that we are working with Wreaths Across America again this year. The wreaths are $17,and he will get back to us on the date the wreaths will be placed on the graves. John then introduced our guest speaker,

Monier Rahall.

Mark pointed out his partner, Bob Mueller, and his son that was sittng in the audience. Mark said he is originally

from Alberta,Canada. He wanted to make it clear that not all Canadians are Socialists. He told us he loves racing and that is what brought him to Sebring. He named his son after Bruce McLaren. He owned and restored a 150-year-old historical building previously.

Mark Stewart approached him regarding the Kenilworth building. The crash of 2007 – 2008 closed the Kenilworth Lodge and brought renovations to a halt. Rahal fought to get the Kenilworth Lodge. He wanted to resurrect it to its former glory. Mark is a best-selling author and wrote the book “Gangsters and Prairie Boys” He did what authors do best and started doing research on the Kenilworth Lodge. He found out there were no plans for the place. It is on the National Historical Register. He collected old pictures and postcards featuring the Kenilworth Lodge.

He feels it sits on the best piece of land in town. George Sebring built the Kenilworth Lodge as a destination spot and Mark wants to make it a destination place now.

Because of the current inflation, it is now feasible to restore the building. They will do this at a slow and steady pace. The city is collaborating with him. He ran into some problems with the Fire Marshall. He quoted, “Fear the bureaucracy – Politicians come and go, but the bureaucracy is there forever.” At one point, they were shut down by the city. The partners sued and won. He has no problem with them now.

They had issues with Fire Chief Batts regarding fire safety i.e., the sprinkler system. Vandalism occurred when the hotel closed, and the sprinkler heads were broken o. They installed a new roof over the ballroom. The completion target date is set for 2025, but renovations could take longer. He does not want to be pinned down to an exact date yet.

George Sebring built a strong and steady structure. He is not changing the inside of the building. He is leaving it as George Sebring envisioned it. They will be giving tours to the public. The back part of the property was never developed. There was a deck that surrounded the building, and they are considering putting that in again. They are reviewing the old scissor elevator. There is a walkout basement. There will be more rooms as they are turning the old penthouse suites into separate rooms.

They are developing the back including the renovation of the Serpentine pool.

Mark took questions from the audience.

Barry reminded the members about making sure we have good email addresses for our members. We are only sending out email notifications about the meetings.

Barry gave out the door prizes. The meeting ended at 6:50 p.m.

Respectfully submitted, Ginger Harris

Interesting Websites to visit: – news articleers-to-help-restore-kenilworth-lodge/article_4d528aa0-677e-11ee-9864-19146923f0.html – news article/ – info about his book – Kenilworth progress updates


    Highlands Tea Party Staff Meeting September 19, 2024

    At our staff meeting it was agreed:

    *More volunteers will be needed in an effort to run meetings smoothly and to increase the attendance and activities of the Tea Party

    * We will begin announcing a flag wave each week in October to support Donald Trump for President. Location in front of Fairmont Plaza. Hours 9 til 10 A M. A dutch treat breakfast after for those interested. Day of the week TBD after announcing at the next Tea Party meeting. John/Barry

    * Ginger announced that she will have to step away from her duties for awhile.

    * Waiting form to fill out for Avon Park Christmas Parade.

    * Form received from Sebring Chamber for the Christmas Parade

      Early Bird special $30.00 til all 25 spots are taken  Date 12/6/24  Hours 7 til 9 P M. John/Barry

    * Dates for gun shows? If we sign up can we get volunteers? John

    * Load Comm. meeting notes on the web site. Barry

    * Contact Lauren Bush about coordinating a Biblical Citizenship program. John

    * Promote Wreaths Across America program to members each week. Cost $17.00/ wreath.

      Date for laying of the wreaths December 14th 2024. John/Gina

    Next meeting Thursday October 24th 11:30 A M Bob Evans


    Highlands Tea Party Meeting September 10, 2024

    Attendees: Barry Foster, Sandra Foster, John Larsen, Ginger Harris, and 20+ concerned citizens. Guest Speaker: Cathi Chamberlain, Patriot and Author of Rules for Deplorables

    The meeting started at 6:00 p.m.Barry made the following announcements:• Tina Altic will have an Americans for Prosperity meeting at the AFP offce by Five Guys Burgers on Thursday, September 12 at 4 p.m. They will be concentrating on sending out postcards.

    • Please see Barry after the meeting if there was no announcement posted at your voting precinct about Don Ridgeway withdrawing.

    • Tea Party meeting announcements are only sent out to your email address. If you do not have an email address, see Barry after the meeting to make other arrangements.

    • Next Tuesday, September 17, Monier Rahall will be our guest speaker. He will give us an update on the Kenilworth Lodge.

    • The mayor of Lake Wales, Pastor Jack Hilligoss will be our speaker on September 24.

    Barry led the invocation and the Pledge of Allegiance.

    John warned us about expected food shortages and said he has already noticed bare shelves in some of our stores.John introduced our guest speaker: Cathi Chamberlain.

    Cathi said she wrote the book, Rules for Deplorables as a response to Sal Alinsky’s book Rules for Radicals. Herbook reached number 14 out of the top 25 books sold on Amazon. She considers herself more of an activist thanan author. She said ridicule was the most common tactic used by the left. It is listed in her book under “Sticks and Stones.”She is extremely concerned about what is happening in our country. She advised us to keep our pantries filled with at least a 6-month supply of food.

    In her book, Chapter 12 – Build That Wall,she explains how Cloward-Piven a new strategy for upending our elections. In December 1982, a movement strategy was developed to transform the Democrat party. What we are seeing now is the result. Millions of illegal aliens have ooded our borders. The strategy is to flood the polls with million sof new voters. We are losing. The Motor-Voter law passed in 1993.

    Cathi helped launch the Defend Florida organization to find out what kind of shape our voter rolls were in. You would be shocked by what is being found. There are four tenets they looked at.1. Voter rolls 2. Eligible voters 3. Number of votes must equal the number of voters 4. No more that 1 error in 125,000 In the 2022 general election the following was found:• 565,00 ineligible registration violations

    • 117,000 cast by ineligible voters • 88,000 ballots were blank • 145,000 more votes counted than people that voted • 206,000 voting violations resulting in an excess of error rate. The errors should only be 62. Tactic 12 states: The price of a successful attack is a constructive alternative.Immediate issues with our voting process includes:

    • Ballots being dropped o and processed without any oversight.

    • Blank ballots and over votes. • VR shutdown at 7:00 p.m.

    • No audits or budgets. There are 6 or 7 lawsuits being filed on voter fraud by United Sovereign Americans. Cathy is one of the plaintiffs.

    You can take action by:

    1. Research United Sovereign Americans.

    2. Send in the resolution she passed out. Send those letters.

    3. Become a poll watcher.

    4. Support the injunctions.

    5. Get churches involved.

    6. Take the form pledge to the Superintendent of Elections. (Barry volunteered to do this for our county.)

    We can’t allow a repeat of 2020. We have one chance to get it right. Prepare for the worst, pray for the best. Cathy closed by quoting Dietrich Bonhoffer, “Silence in the face of evil is in itself evil.” A short question-and-answer session followed.

    Barry passed out the door prizes. The meeting ended at 7:24 p.m. Respectfully submitted,Ginger Harris

    Interesting Websites to visit: – United Sovereign Americans – information about HB’s; protection of Floridians rights – Cathi’s Facebook group – a community group Cathi started to get the word out.